Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Long Road to Oklahoma

After fending off the crazy western Washington snow storm, Angela and I hit the road with hopes that we would be able to drive from Seattle to Kimberly, ID with out any road closures.  On Thursday night (19 Jan 12) before we left I was checking the DOT sites for the different states we would be driving though, and Oregon was the only one with any road closures.  After seeing the closures I got a little concerned, but we still planned on leaving in the morning regardless of the weather.  Later we found out that the roads were only closed after dark because of the poor conditions but we still had to deal with Snoqualmie Pass.

The Pass had be closed on and off all week because of the storm but with my truck bed weighed down and snow chains ready to go nothing was stopping us.
Snoqualmie Pass by "stump lake"
It was slow going until we got over the pass, we only drove about 40mph because the roads were so slick and the highway was basically cut down to one lane each direction, but we made it just the same.

It was great having Angela by my side for most of the drive, she's a great co-pilot and we were able to see all the fun sites with each other. It was beautiful driving up into the Blues in Oregon.  As you can see in the pictures bellow, there was a thick layer of fog covering the entire area bellow.  As always the pictures never do it justice.

Looking west towards Pendleton, OR

Angela enjoying the cold view
We spent the weekend in Utah see Angela's family on Saturday then after a Southwest flight on Sunday tore us apart I went and spent Sunday with my grandparent before hitting the road again.

I was very lucky to have Angela as my guardian angel for the drive because she arranged for me to stay with he friend's parents in Ft. Collins Colorado.  This was a perfect resting spot and allowed me to push on for ten hours the next day till I arrived at Vance AFB in good old Enid, OK.  It was a fun adventure getting out here but it won't compare to the training experience I'm about to go through. 

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