Friday, June 17, 2011

Cape Alava Hike

Annie and I took a pleasant little hike out on the peninsula for the first trip after graduation.  If you ever want to find out info about the hike or go on it your self, just look up info about Lake Ozette in WA.  There is the basic 9 mile loop that is an awesome day hike with the two main hi lights being 6 miles of board walk through the rain forest and the tide pools at low tide.

Hike on the board walk

baby seal just chillin'

The two of us wanted more of a over night thing so we hiked a little further south to Yellow Banks where we stayed for the night.  After about the first mile of hiking on the sand I quickly remembered how miserable it was and we both looked forward to getting to camp which was a nice surprise.  Over the years people have decorated the camp sites with beach trash, it was fun to see some of the things people found.  So we posted up in one site that had an area for an illegal fire pit (fires have to be bellow the tide line) a drift wood fort and a homemade hammock.


The highlight of the trip was probably the ginormous beach fire we had.  We got caught by a little rain while we were building up the beach fire with drift wood so we were a little discouraged thinking that it would never light.  Then Annie found a giant plastic stake that we put in our little fire, it was determined to burn until it was all melted away so we transferred it to the the big fire.  The pictures will explain the rest, but the fire kept us occupied for the rest of the night. 

We had some amazing views the entire trip but the sunset was great.  There was a little weather in the area so parts of the sky were crystal clear.  

From camp looking North West

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